Saturday, February 26, 2005

The beginning

So...I have a blog. It's kinda weird for me to have a blog. Well I personally never thought myself the type to have a blog. Then again...I've been thinking about it for some time, and this is it. What made me do it? Well...emotions I guess. I think/hope this blog to be a place to vent them, or to write silly/strange/other stuff here. For the moment...emotional. Yes this is going to be a sob story ~.~" All who hate those stop reading. But...I don't really know how to start. I'm not the "whine i'm sooooo sad *sob sob*" type. I like it subtle... Sooo, where to start? ... ... You ever been thinking as an 18 year old single hopeless romantic how the rest fo your life would be? If so when did you think about it? When you were in love? When you were with friends without gf/bf? When you just broke up? Your thought may vary quite a lot depending on when you think about it. Myself, I've had the first and the last type in a 2 day period... yeah that's right, that's what happened. Life's a bitch, and although it is that way, I'd like life to go on... *sigh* I wonder... About what you ask? A lot of things for the moment... most of them to sob-ish for my taste to write down here. The next days are going to be hell. Usually i wait for her at her school wednsday, so that's going to be the hardest. Well...I don't know what else to write down here. (darn long post, especially for me o.O'; )

A blog can be visited eh? I wonder who'd visit mine... random people, friends? Hah we'll see... Come what may (for a lot of things). So, if you want post your comment. If you want to break me down, go somewhere else, I can go without for the moment. Everyone else, thanks I guess ^^;


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice, wist ni da gij blog had.
percies ook nog ni zo lang

hehe, en dees is uwen eersten anoniemen comment...

btw, I know the feeling, sucks doesn't it?

2/26/2005 11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sans savoir qu'est-ce qui c'est passé, tu es desesperé... Mais de temps en temps, un petit mot, un sourir te peut aider... Tu es un des gens qui ont un place special dans mon coeur... Tu es un ami magnifique et quand tu as besoin de parler à quelqu'un, je serai là... Comme tu été là pour moi! Tu te senterai mieux dans quelques jours, quelques semaines, quelques mois... Mais n'oublierais jamais que nous serions là pour toi, inconditiellement... 24/7!!

xxxx Fliene xxxx (en ook een beetje van Jeroen natuurlijk, I can speak for the both of us ;-)

2/27/2005 5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lieve lieve vriend...
i for one, definitely know what you're talking about.. de meeste mensen wel denk ik, iedereen maakt zoon dinge mee op dat gebied, dat heet blijkbaar 'leven' en 'leren'
ik zou liever ma minder leren en wa meer genieten - en dan wel op meerdere vakken..
soms zit ik der werkelijk onderdoor, die dinge kunne je al je zelfvertrouwen laten verliezen en je laten voelen alsof je nix waard bent, terwijl da helemaal ni zo is...
onthoud dit : er zullen altijd mensen zijn die van je houdt, niet om wie je wil zijn, maar om wie je bent, en niets ter wereld of ter waar dan ook kan daar verandering in brengen

for always a friend,
xXx mnikje **

2/27/2005 8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hoi wimmeke

s maar om te laten weten dak ni boos meer ben... kwas gewoon effe onder den indruk gisteren. hoop dat alles nu trug goe komt tussen ons. (als gij uwe groten teut kunt houden, lol!!) so... if there's anything you'd like 2 say or whatever, you know where to find me,ok???
Flien. xxx

3/01/2005 2:04 PM  

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