Tuesday, March 01, 2005


/* Bleh, saved monday's post as draft instead of publishing. It's on now */

What a tiresome day. The getting up was a lot harder then yesterday, so now i'm feeling pretty messed up and exhausted. School was ok, and something relatively funny happened. Me and my friends got stuck in an elevator. We called our school, asking for someone to get us out, but after 10 minutes we forced the door open with our hands, then the people who were supposed to get us out arrived...by elevator... We had a few good laughs, but I hope that doesn't happen too much. Missed a good 20 minutes of programming class, which wasn't so bad (crappy teacher anyway). My heartache's gotten better too. I still think about it but it doesn't hurt as much. And I really have my best friends' comforting words to thank for that. Thanks a lot you guys and girls :)
Tomorrow's a class-free day so don't expect anything exciting, unless I come up with some random line of thought I need to share with you all. Finally some sleep!!

I'm almost falling asleep here, so goodnight y'all.



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