Sunday, January 01, 2006

Still alive

Yes, I am still alive for all those who wondered (if any). It's been an extremely busy time, with all the schoolwork and other...time consuming stuff. I haven't had the time or energy to work on any of my projects, but fear not, they're still alive. The story is under development, and believe me it's a helluva lot of work... I need new characters :4 for the moment...maybe 2 extra for the major badguys if i already need them... I also need: a whole new world + explanation + metaphysical construction + fitting that in the story. Next on my "what I need list": major conversations, major places (which is a problem seeing as i need the world fully explained first), other races (What? you thought I'd stick to humans alone? c'mon people, that boring :p), groupings, clans of people, blah blah blah, the whole stuff around it. It's not easy, seeing as 1) I barely have enough time to develop that all in my mind. 2) I don't have the energy to fully devote myself to thinking things out properly, so it's on hold now...
Blasted exams are taking all my time now...holidays my overgrown ass...slavework!! :( According to the exam schedual, the week after the exames seems to be free...I sincerely hope I'll be able to progress a bit better then, but i have many things i'm working on. (programming, writing, aaaaaand....eehhm...shtuff =P). And on top of those exams i'm now sick... might even develop to a nasty flu...bleagh... When i'm this sick I always seem to lose my center, and whatever mental barriers i have erected to stop myself from losing my sanity seem to fail. I don't know how to feel or what to do or...gyaarrghh, it's weird enough to leave me a twitching heap of rejection on the floor. And I need to learn again what it is to be's been too long, or maybe it's just the sickness creeping up on me. I remember having weird visions when i was little, everytime i was very sick, that scared the living hell out of me. Never had that feeling again, but this comes close's like being drunk, but only your subconcious is feeling the effect of it, and doing weird things to your normal conciousness. Aaaaand i'm ranting nonsense neh? Hah, always was bad at telling stuff, that's why I'm a listener and not a talker.
See you later all...and oh...




Blogger Koen said...

Happy new year!
Hope you get better soon!

And yeah, exams are a pain in the... lower back. ;)

1/02/2006 2:17 PM  
Blogger Warynn said...

thanks ^^. subtly worded =D

1/02/2006 4:57 PM  

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