Aaaalllllright people, it's time for my Periodical BITCHIN' show...
It has come to my attention that some people who were once very close to me have started to ignore me. For a time I continued to try and break through that and offer my help, advice and moral support despite how it ate (and still eats) me form the inside. Well, it's time that you (yes, you know who you are) see the freakin' light about how you make me feel. I did everything for you, went out of my way to help you time and time again. I gave advice from the heart and continued to support you, even when I didn't feel like it, when it went against me, when it destroyed me, and you just took it like it's the most normal thing ever. but now...OOPS lookat that, you broke me. Oh what to do now...ah lets just toss me away, there will be others of me to take the place. *BUUUURRRR* WRONG! Guess what, I might not always be can't just toss me aside and hope i'll be there regardless when you need me. I'm not just some playtoy that magically (ooh lookat the liiights) repairs itself, noooo, that's not what people are.
Ah looky here...i'll make it plain and simple, bus we're allmost out of showtime: you start treating me better or i'll turn my good natured self around and break *you*... I gave EVERYTHING up for y'all, but you just brushed me aside like yesterday's trash... for that i have 2 no actually i got 4: a BIG fuck you!
Oh and if you've come to see the light after all, because of this...informative little rant, sure go ahead and try...try very very VERY'll need it.
--Trashman out
It has come to my attention that some people who were once very close to me have started to ignore me. For a time I continued to try and break through that and offer my help, advice and moral support despite how it ate (and still eats) me form the inside. Well, it's time that you (yes, you know who you are) see the freakin' light about how you make me feel. I did everything for you, went out of my way to help you time and time again. I gave advice from the heart and continued to support you, even when I didn't feel like it, when it went against me, when it destroyed me, and you just took it like it's the most normal thing ever. but now...OOPS lookat that, you broke me. Oh what to do now...ah lets just toss me away, there will be others of me to take the place. *BUUUURRRR* WRONG! Guess what, I might not always be can't just toss me aside and hope i'll be there regardless when you need me. I'm not just some playtoy that magically (ooh lookat the liiights) repairs itself, noooo, that's not what people are.
Ah looky here...i'll make it plain and simple, bus we're allmost out of showtime: you start treating me better or i'll turn my good natured self around and break *you*... I gave EVERYTHING up for y'all, but you just brushed me aside like yesterday's trash... for that i have 2 no actually i got 4: a BIG fuck you!
Oh and if you've come to see the light after all, because of this...informative little rant, sure go ahead and try...try very very VERY'll need it.
--Trashman out
Feeling the funkiest (in a bad way) since a loooong time. Sorry but my utter sarcasm and backstabbing wound have just burst open ^^. Enjoy...
(stek) (draai) (draai) ..... (draai)
to me this text is just hilarious. that's why i love that sacrasm so much, fun for everyone else and extra pain for one recieving it.
i think i know how you feel, have had these things too, but on a bit a smaller scale.
i don't think it's worth it to keep on going caring for that person, if (s)he doesn't apreciate what you're doing.things like these need to be said some day.
i hope you meet some more people who are worth knowing you. you are without doubt one of the best people i know, you deserve better than this.
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