Thursday, March 10, 2005

Weirdness ^^;

Weirdness, but in a positive way. This day began pretty boring again, but got better as it proceeded. I dreamed something very...strange last night but remembering that dream made me wake up in a good mood, so it wasn't all that bad. Skipped some economy lessons (have seen it in high school already so pheh ;) which made my day even a bit better, so I was in a pretty happy mood all day. Nearing the evening I was reminded by the strange ways of my mind of how lonely I am and I started missing my ex-gf again...*sigh* But I kept my good mood. On msn I talked to a friend and we started acting silly and faking that we were interested in eachother. She has a bf already and I'm not planning on screwing that up but it actually was fun and made me feel a huge lot better. It was weird, of course, but I feel so...relieved of stress and sadness now. Some powerful music while I was talking a shower added to that and made me feel hyper and roaring to take on the world. Too bad it's evening... I have to go to bed now or I'd be zombified tomorrow. Yeah it seems natural for me: being hyper at night. I'm kind of an evening/night person. Sucks, sometimes, when you have to wake up lonely and cold in the morning. Bleh I'll survive I guess ^^; hope that tomorrow will be as good a day as today... We'll see, come what may.

goodnight, peace y'all :)



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