Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Empty Victories

Today was a very weird day ^^; All things combined I can't really say it's a bad day tho.
First off, I got to demonstrate my programming project 2 days earlier the normal, and I wasn't even prepared ^^; => "Are you Mr. Charels" "Ehh yes" "Well you're up now" "What?? O.O;; *panicpanicpanic*" omg i was soooo freaked out at that ^^; Oh well everything went fine, with 3 things working in my favour, it doesn't look so bleak for me.
Second, I scored a free pizza and wine today. My friends took me with to a pal from their school last year, and we got treated ^^; w00tness. We were a little woozy in class tho,but hehh it was enjoyable ^^;;
Third, i finally solved the misunderstandings between my 2 best friends (a guy and a girl) and got them back together. Yeah I'm kinda good at that stuff I guess, now if I only could do it for myself too...pheh...oh well..."even if we're lost..." but that's different stuff, for once I want this not to be an angsty post.

More on later days. Got 1 project left to do, then one week left to exams. Come what may...

ja ne!



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