I always wanted to talk about the irony of living your life for love.
Living your life for love is in itself a noble prospect. you know, all that is good, yadda yadda, but the risk and toll on one's soul is close to lethal. It's a fragile thing, and if there's one thing people are *not* able of handling, it are delicate things. Feelings: hope, loss, hate, and most importantly love. They all stand or fall at the slightest whim of those who command them. Life with so many people around you leaves us open to a dark mind game that is constantly being played. And every day, this game takes its toll upon those who play it. And play we must.
If people are pawns in this game of feelings, then it are those that live their lives for love, who make up both the elite of the elite and the first cannon fodder to be fed to the grinder. It is an universal fact that each and every one of them will fall, and most do fall from the highest top to the deepest depths.
Lives are lost in this game. Souls are forsaken, both to win and as prize upon failure. A game of the highest stakes...
Not playing would be a solution...heavenly bliss almost. But hey, one of my favourite songs is titled "heaven is not enough", and it rings truth like none other. Not playing means keeping the mind blank, or escaping or running away from society, but hey, that does leave you a poor pauper holed up in some shack in the middle of nowhere. Having to play means chances at happiness, it means having fun, it means LIVING. logically speaking and from experience, we can tell that to lose means to stop living. Sometimes but for a moment. Sometimes permanently... It's a sad truth.
My mind is blank, my soul has fled...
Perhaps i shall revive,
Just to die once again...
My mind is blank...
The calm before the storm...and the fall...
--Warynn alvein, once again a corpse among corpses
Living your life for love is in itself a noble prospect. you know, all that is good, yadda yadda, but the risk and toll on one's soul is close to lethal. It's a fragile thing, and if there's one thing people are *not* able of handling, it are delicate things. Feelings: hope, loss, hate, and most importantly love. They all stand or fall at the slightest whim of those who command them. Life with so many people around you leaves us open to a dark mind game that is constantly being played. And every day, this game takes its toll upon those who play it. And play we must.
If people are pawns in this game of feelings, then it are those that live their lives for love, who make up both the elite of the elite and the first cannon fodder to be fed to the grinder. It is an universal fact that each and every one of them will fall, and most do fall from the highest top to the deepest depths.
Lives are lost in this game. Souls are forsaken, both to win and as prize upon failure. A game of the highest stakes...
Not playing would be a solution...heavenly bliss almost. But hey, one of my favourite songs is titled "heaven is not enough", and it rings truth like none other. Not playing means keeping the mind blank, or escaping or running away from society, but hey, that does leave you a poor pauper holed up in some shack in the middle of nowhere. Having to play means chances at happiness, it means having fun, it means LIVING. logically speaking and from experience, we can tell that to lose means to stop living. Sometimes but for a moment. Sometimes permanently... It's a sad truth.
My mind is blank, my soul has fled...
Perhaps i shall revive,
Just to die once again...
My mind is blank...
The calm before the storm...and the fall...
--Warynn alvein, once again a corpse among corpses